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Joseph Hui教授名誉教授授予仪式暨学术报告会

2016年09月21日 10:51 点击数:



讲座题目:Chengdu as a Smart City

主讲人简介:Joseph Y. Hui教授,IEEE Fellow

Dr Hui obtained his BS, MS, and PhD all from MIT in a total of 6 years. He then worked at Bell Labs while taught also at Columbia University where he wrote a book entitled Switching and Traffic Theory for Integrated Broadband Network. He has taught also at Rutgers University and Arizona State University in areas of Internet, wireless communications, multimedia, cloud computing. and lately in energy and transportation research. He wrote a book called What's the Matter with Energy. His is a Fellow of IEEE and received many awards, including the IEEE William Bennett Prize Paper Award and the Presidential Young Investigator Award from President George H R Bush. He is a prolific inventor with more than 40 US patents.


What will make Chengdu a smart and comfortable city to live in? We need smart and clean water, energy, environment, food, information, and transportation. These comfort should be provided at low cost with convenience and mobility.

I want to replace the Thomas Edison model of centralized generation and grid distribution of electricity to homes and business. The new model is personal energy, with local collection, conversion, storage, and use of energy by mobile individuals. To this end, I have invented the Firefly technologies, generating Combined Cooling, Heating, Power, Pressure, Work, and Water (CCHP2W2). We use clean concentrated solar power backed up by gas combustion with energy storage of dried and pressurized air.

The technology is based on the Brayton heat engine and heat pump, using my patented turbine and compressor. The Firefly technology is smart, small, scalable, strong, silent, safe, saves, stores, and stylish. This invention was inspired by necessities. First, I wanted to solar charge my electric Tesla Roadster. I invented a high efficiency turbine, providing also heat and chill. I am building a super car using my turbine and electric motor, using super-capacitors instead of batteries. Second, I want to change how air conditioning is done, removing humidity by compression and creating chill by expansion of air without use of harmful refrigerants. Humidity removed produces water for human consumption and food production.

I will also re-examine the history of AC versus DC motor. I will argue that advances in heat turbines, solid state electronics, and magnetics favor DC motors and generators. The future should see DC dominate vehicular transportation and electricity generation.

